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Historical PCR Data | Historical Put Call Ratio Data NSE | Nifty, Bank Nifty PCR Historical Data | Open Free Account Online and Start Trading Today !

Explore the strength of historical PCR for smart trading decisions in highly volatile markets. Learn how put call ratio historical data analysis tool works, its exclusive features, and the benefits of using Nifty, Bank Nifty historical PCR data in trading. Optimize your trading strategies and manage your risk effectively for profitable trades.

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Historical PCR : A Game Changer Tool for Traders

The stock market is majorly driven by the investor's sentiments and it often helps in making crucial decisions. One such effective tool for studying market sentiment is Historical PCR data ( Put call ratio). This indicator allows traders to know whether the market will turn bullish or bearish by analyzing the number of put and call option contracts traded at a specific time. In this article, we shall explain what is historical put call ratio data, its importance in trading, and how a trader can use it for Nifty, bank Nifty, and Nifty 50 trading on NSE

What is Historical PCR ?

Historical PCR is one of the technical indicators that analyses the changes in the put and call option contracts being traded in a given timeframe. It gives a wide idea of how the market is performing.

Historical PCR data, or Historical Put Call Ratio, is a technical indicator that tracks the changes in the put call ratio over a specified period. Nifty, Bank Nifty put call ratio historical data provides traders with a broader perspective on market sentiment by analyzing how the ratio has fluctuated in the past. The historical PCR data or put call ratio(PCR) is calculated using the formula below :

PCR=Total OI in Call Options / Total OI in Put Options​

  • A high PCR Ratio indicates that traders are buying more of the put contracts, further suggesting bearish market sentiment.

  • A low PCR ratio indicates that traders are buying more of the call options and further indicates the bullish market sentiment.

Exclusive Features and Benefits of Historical Put Call Ratio

  • Historical put call ratio data helps in analyzing the overall market sentiment, whether it is bullish or bearish.

  • Any sudden spikes or drops in the underlying asset’s price signals potential market reversals, which helps them to plan the ideal entry and exit from the market.

  • By understanding the Nifty, Bank Nifty historical PCR data, traders can manage their risk better.

  • It encourages data-driven approach for trading Nifty, Bank Nifty, Nifty 50, or any other NSE listed stocks.

  • PCR Historical data Plays a vital role in long-term decision-making, as traders can gauge whether the market was overbought or oversold.

How do Traders Get Benefits Using Historical PCR Analysis Tool ?

Traders can use the historical put call ratio data in many ways, such as below :

  • Intraday traders can use this NSE data to determine short-term trading trends.

  • Swing traders analyze Historical PCR data chart and patterns to predict the price fluctuation in their trading time frame.

  • Options traders can optimize their entry and exit points.

  • It works as a portfolio hedging tool, if the put call ratio nifty, bank nifty historical PCR data suggests bearish sentiment, traders can hedge their positions.

historical pcr data - put call ratio historical data nse

Why is the Historical Put Call Ratio Data Important in Trading ?

  • Put call ratio historical data reflects the market sentiment - bullish, bearish, or neutral.

  • Unlike real-time PCR, Nifty, Bank Nifty historical PCR data offers traders a long-term market sentiment.

  • A very high PCR ratio historical data, indicates that the market is oversold and may see a reversal.

  • Similarly, a low PCR ratio historical data suggests that the market is overbought and could face a downturn.

  • It boosts the confidence of the traders and they can better execute the trades rather than just relying on speculations.

How Does the Historical Put Call Ratio Work ?

The historical PCR data is derived from the Open interest value of the call and put option contracts for the given period. Let us understand how it works :

The first step is to collect the PCR historical data, in which the NSE records and the number of open contracts ( both call and put)

Nifty, Bank Nifty historical PCR data is further categorized into various time frames - Daily, weekly, and monthly.

Then using the above formula put call ratio is calculated, open interest of put contracts is divided by that of call options.

If the PCR > 1, it means it is a bearish market sentiment

If PCR < 1, it means bullish market sentiment

Based on various analyses from other indicators, traders confirm the entry and exit points in the market.

Nifty, Bank Historical PCR Data Analysis

1) Nifty 50 Historical PCR Data

  • The Nifty, Bank Nifty historical put call ratio data identifies the patterns, especially for the Nifty 50 Index.

  • A rising PCR in the Nifty 50, signals traders to be cautious and the falling one boosts confidence. 

2) Bank Nifty Historical PCR Data

  • Bank Nifty put call ratio historical data analysis gathers data related to the differant sector. It shows sector-specific trends.

3) NSE Wide PCR Analysis

  • The NSE historical PCR data encompasses multiple indices such as Nifty, Bank Nifty, Nifty 50, and sectoral indices, etc. It helps traders to diversify their portfolios and implement different strategies according to the market.


The historical PCR ratio (Put Call Ratio) is an indispensable tool for all traders. May your underlying asset be Nifty, Bank Nifty, or Nifty 50, this tool gives an extra edge to lead the volatile market.

By using this historical PCR data tool in their daily trading, traders can improve their success ratio, and minimize the risk.

So, if you do not have access to this put call ratio historical data analysis tool still, go ahead and check it out here and become the game changer!

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